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Ontario Moves Schools to Remote Learning Following Spring Break
Ontario Moves Schools to Remote Learning Following Spring Break
Media Release
Ontario Government

Toronto - Apr. 12, 2021: The Ontario government, in consultation with the Chief Medical Officer of Health, has made the difficult decision to move elementary and secondary schools to remote learning following the April break. This move has been made in response to the rapid increase in COVID-19 cases, the increasing risks posed to the public by COVID-19 variants, and the massive spike in hospital admissions. FULL STORY

Ontario Enacts Provincial Emergency and Stay-at-Home Order
Ontario Enacts Provincial Emergency and Stay-at-Home Order
Media Release
Ontario Government

Toronto - Apr. 7, 2021: Effective Thursday, April 8, 2021 at 12:01 a.m., the government is issuing a province-wide Stay-at-Home order requiring everyone to remain at home except for essential purposes, such as going to the grocery store or pharmacy, accessing health care services (including getting vaccinated), for outdoor exercise , or for work that cannot be done remotely. As Ontario's health care capacity is threatened, the Stay-at-Home order, and other new and existing public health and workplace safety measures will work to preserve public health system capacity, safeguard vulnerable populations, allow for progress to be made with vaccinations and save lives. FULL STORY

Ontario Moving to Phase Two of COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution Plan
Ontario Moving to Phase Two of COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution Plan
Media Release
Ontario Government

Toronto - Apr. 6, 2021: The Ontario government is moving into Phase Two of its COVID-19 vaccine distribution plan, with a focus on reaching individuals in "hot spot" communities where COVID-19 has disproportionately impacted certain neighbourhoods. In addition, this phase will prioritize individuals with the highest-risk health conditions in April 2021. With a steady supply of the COVID-19 vaccine expected from the federal government, over nine million Ontarians will be offered their first vaccination between April and end of June 2021. FULL STORY

Ontario postpones March break until mid-April
Ontario postpones March break until mid-April
Media Release
Ontario Government

Toronto - Feb. 11, 2021: Today, Stephen Lecce, Ontario's Minister of Education, issued the following statement regarding March break: "In support of our collective efforts to keep schools safe, we are postponing March break until April 12-16, 2021. This decision was made with the best advice of Ontario's Chief Medical Officer of Health and public health officials, including consultations with many local Medical Officers of Health. FULL STORY

Windsor-Essex to remain in Level Red
Windsor-Essex to remain in Level Red
Media Release
Ontario Government

Toronto - Dec. 4, 2020: The Ontario government, in consultation with the Chief Medical Officer of Health, local medical officers of health, and other health experts, is moving three public health regions to new levels with stronger public health measures as set out in the Keeping Ontario Safe and Open Framework. Windsor Essex to remain in Level Red. FULL STORY

Ontario’s return to school plan fails to meet legal health and safety requirements -Education unions
Ontario’s return to school plan fails to meet legal health and safety requirements -Education unions
Joint Media Release
Ontario Teacher Unions

Toronto - Aug. 14, 2020: Ontario’s four major education unions have requested an immediate meeting with the Minister of Labour and representatives from the Ministry of Education, contending that the government’s “Guide to Re-Opening Ontario’s Schools” fails to meet the requirements set out in the Ontario Occupational Health and Safety Act. FULL STORY

Windsor-Essex to Join the Rest of Province in Stage 3
Windsor-Essex to Join the Rest of Province in Stage 3
Media Release
Ontario Government

Toronto - Aug. 10, 2020: On the advice of the Chief Medical Officer Health and the local medical officer of health, Windsor-Essex will be allowed to move into Stage 3 on Wednesday, August 12, 2020 at 12:01 a.m. The decision was based on positive local trends of key public health indicators, including lower transmission of COVID-19, ongoing hospital capacity, public health capacity to conduct rapid case and contact management, and a significant increase in testing. FULL STORY

COVID Alert Available for Download Beginning Today
COVID Alert Available for Download Beginning Today
Media Release
Ontario Government

Toronto - Jul. 31, 2020: As Ontarians continue to do their part to help stop the spread of COVID-19, the Ontario government is encouraging everyone to download the new COVID Alert app on their smart phone from the Apple and Google Play app stores. This app, which is available beginning today, lets users know if they may have been exposed to the virus. It is free, easy and safe to use. The more people who download the app, the more effective it will be in stopping the spread of COVID-19. FULL STORY

Ford’s low-budget school scheme increases risk to save money
Ford’s low-budget school scheme increases risk to save money
Media Release
Ontario NDP

Toronto - Jul. 30, 2020: The Ford government’s back-to-school scheme stacks kids in overcrowded classrooms, while forcing many high school students to do half their education alone at home with little to no help — putting students’ health and academic success at risk so that Ford can save money on the backs of students, again. FULL STORY

Ontario schools to re-open September 8th
Ontario schools to re-open September 8th
Media Release
Ontario Government

Whitby - Jul. 30, 2020: Today, the Ontario government announced its plan to allow licensed child care centres across Ontario to open at full capacity starting September 1, 2020. This decision was made in consultation with the Chief Medical Officer of Health and the COVID-19 Command Table. As a result, parents will be able to return to work knowing their children are in a safe and supportive care setting. FULL STORY