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New Faces, Steady Hands

Guy Lauzon
MP - Stormont, Dundas, South Glengarry

New Faces, Steady Hands
On July 15, the Prime Minister appointed a new Federal Cabinet. A number of Ministers maintained their portfolios - Jim Flaherty (Finance), John Baird (Foreign Affairs), Ed Fast (International Trade), Tony Clement (Treasury Board) and Alice Wong (Seniors) to name a few. What was striking in this Cabinet shuffle were the additions of some very talented Members of Parliament from the most recent classes of 2008 and 2011.

Cornwall - July 29, 2013 - On July 15, the Prime Minister appointed a new Federal Cabinet. A number of Ministers maintained their portfolios - Jim Flaherty (Finance), John Baird (Foreign Affairs), Ed Fast (International Trade), Tony Clement (Treasury Board) and Alice Wong (Seniors) to name a few. What was striking in this Cabinet shuffle were the additions of some very talented Members of Parliament from the most recent classes of 2008 and 2011.

They are people I have come to know very well since they came to Parliament. These new Ministers include Candice Bergen, Kellie Leitch, Greg Rickford, Michelle Rempel, Shelly Glover, Pierre Poilievre and Chris Alexander. These are very gifted individuals and I wish them great success in their new portfolios. In my position as National Caucus Chair, I have had the pleasure of working closely with all of them and I can assure you each one of these folks is up to their new responsibilities. Having strong Ministers is important, and I believe these individuals will make indelible imprints on our Canadian political system.

Several others who have served longer in Parliament were invited into Cabinet for the first time, and their experience and tenure should serve them well. Kevin Sorenson, a hard working Member from Crowfoot, first elected in 1996, will serve as the Minister of State for Finance. Kevin is very astute regarding financial matters and will be a real asset to Finance Minister Jim Flaherty.

I also want to recognize those not returning to a ministerial portfolio and say thank you for bringing honour to the work we do. I appreciate the demanding commitment it takes to be a Minister - the weekends never home with family and not being at constituent events or family celebrations due to the vast responsibilities that go with their ministerial role. I think Ministers deserve much more appreciation than they usually receive. I often wonder how they manage to accomplish as much as they do considering the pressure they work under.

I think the Prime Minister chose a great Cabinet. He has chosen to keep a number of experienced Ministers who have served our country well and has added of number of bright, enthusiastic individuals who will bring new ideas to the Cabinet table. I am confident with our team of new faces and steady hands, our Government will continue to focus on the economy and on job creation in all regions of the country.

Guy Lauzon
Member of Parliament
Stormont-Dundas-South Glengarry